390.1115A/1285: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland (Harrison)

2573. American interests—Far East internees. Your 4994, November 5th,65 and 5069, November 9th.66 Request Swiss Government and Intercross66a Committee to have their representatives visit all Americans now or in future interned occupied China and endeavor to expedite transmission weekly lists names and information regarding addresses, health, et cetera as provided in Article 77 of Geneva Convention.

Keep Department currently informed regarding developments this matter.

  1. Not printed; it reported that Japanese authorities at Hankow, Tsingtao, and Chefoo had assembled all citizens of countries at war with Japan in certain groups of houses and were considering their internment at Shanghai and elsewhere in occupied China (390.1115A/1279).
  2. Not printed; it reported that Japanese police in Shanghai had arrested about 100 citizens of countries at war with Japan.
  3. International Red Cross.