845.24/275: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Officer in Charge at New Delhi (Haselton)
639. In view of the policy outlined in the Department’s 627 of October 29 it is not the intention of the Department to appoint at this time an “economic adviser” as recommended by the Grady Mission. Reference your 816 of October 23. Consideration is being given, however, to the assignment to New Delhi of a senior commercial officer of the Foreign Service who will perform substantially the duties of such an adviser. In the meantime such essential duties as would be performed by that official can, it is believed, be satisfactorily performed under existing circumstances by the regular staff of your office.
The appointment of railway and steel technicians is dependent upon the availability of properly qualified persons willing to proceed to India, and upon selection of these experts by the Indian Supply Mission in Washington. Appropriate agencies of the Government are endeavoring to facilitate this selection in every way possible. It is understood that after consultation between the Board of Economic Warfare and the Indian Supply Mission a decision was reached to seek a somewhat different type of railway expert than that envisaged by the Grady Mission, and that the experts now desired will be employed by the Government of India and will be specialists in certain phases of railroading. The Supply Mission is understood to be awaiting definite information from the Government of India regarding the precise qualifications which should be possessed by the individuals chosen. In view of this change it has not appeared that Mr. Brooke Edwards’60a services would be required, but his availability [Page 746] may of course be brought informally to the attention of the Government of India. Reference your 651 of October 1.61
The Government of India may be informed in the premises.