390.1115A/725a: Circular telegram

The Acting Secretary of State to Certain Consular Officers33

Deserving cases of needy Filipinos able to produce evidence of Philippine citizenship in the form of an American passport or a certificate of registration issued by an American Consular Officer and [Page 276] otherwise qualified for loans in accordance with the provisions of circular of August 12, 1941, Diplomatic Serial 3382,34 may be granted financial assistance in form of loans on the same basis as needy Americans.

Philippine citizens may likewise be accorded accommodations made available by the issuance of emergency consular certificates as well as those made available by the Army and Navy Transport Service.

It is presumed that where loans are necessarily made for “repatriation” they will be used for travel to the United States in the status of temporary visitors pending return to the Philippine Islands at such time as this may be feasible.

  1. Sent to American consular officers at Batavia (to repeat to Surabaya) Calcutta (to repeat to Bombay, Madras, Karachi, and New Delhi); Capetown, Colombo, Nouméa, Suva; Sydney (to repeat to Adelaide, Brisbane, Perth, Melbourne, Port Darwin); Tahiti; and Wellington (to repeat to Auckland).
  2. Foreign Relations, 1941, vol. i, p. 413.