Press Release Issued by the Department of State, January 20, 1942
In line with the Department’s efforts ever since international conditions became disturbed to assist, as far as possible, Americans stranded abroad in dangerous areas to return to the United States, the Department has recently arranged with the Department of Commerce and the United States Maritime Commission for an extension of the arrangements by which American-flag vessels wherever available in the Far and Middle East may carry from dangerous areas there as many passengers as possible within the limits of safety beyond the normal carrying capacity of such vessels. The Department has also made funds available to this Government’s representatives at dangerous places in those areas from which advances may be made as loans to needy Americans unable to finance their return transportation to the United States, or where such return transportation is not immediately available, to places of greater safety than the dangerous areas in which they find themselves stranded.
The Department has also been giving careful consideration to the problem of providing some form of financial assistance to those Americans who, due to the war, have been unable to return to the United States from enemy and enemy-occupied countries and who find themselves stranded without financial resources.
Some time ago the Department requested the Swiss Government, which is representing American interests in enemy areas, to furnish the Department, as soon as possible, a statement of the financial situation of Americans in the various areas where this Government’s interests are under the protection of Switzerland and an estimate of the amount of funds immediately needed to relieve their situation. The Swiss Government was likewise requested to furnish the Department, in behalf of Americans in enemy areas having resources in the United States upon which they can draw, the names and addresses of persons in this country to be approached, the amount needed and purposes for which desired. Upon receipt of this information the Department hopes to put into effect a satisfactory procedure for transmitting funds from private sources in the United States to needy Americans in enemy or enemy-occupied areas, as well as for providing temporary financial assistance to needy Americans in those areas who may be without private resources. In the meantime, the Swiss Government has been requested to authorize its representatives in enemy territory wherever the need is determined to be urgent to make small relief payments to those Americans having need of immediate financial assistance.