The Soviet Embassy to the Department of State
Having carefully considered the draft scheme of “United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration”, proposed by the United States Government, the Soviet Government attaching great importance to the economic rehabilitation of the countries, victims of the aggression of Hitlerite Germany and her accomplices in Europe, is prepared to accept the draft as a basis for joint discussion by the representatives of the United States, Great Britain, China and the U. S. S. R. In order to facilitate this discussion, the Soviet Government deems it necessary to bring to the knowledge of the United States Government the following remarks and amendments to the draft submitted by the United States Government:
1. The activities of the Relief Administration under Article I should be based on the consent of the government of the state receiving relief as regards the forms these activities may take in a given state.
The fulfillment of relief measures by the Administration should admit of ways by which the Government of the country receiving relief will take upon itself the whole responsibility for fulfilling these measures on its territory.
These ideas should find expression in Article I.
2. The Director General will regularly report on his activities to the Policy Committee which will periodically either confirm the powers of the Director General or recommend to the Council a new candidate for this post.
3. All decisions of the Policy Committee should be unanimous.
[Page 160]4. Since under the draft, regional committees will consist of representatives of the countries directly concerned in the activities of the administration in a given region, it would seem expedient to consider the question of giving regional committees not only consultative functions but also extended powers.
5. In accordance with Article I of the declaration of the United Nations of January 1, 1942, the Soviet Government thinks it necessary, as far as its participation in the administration is concerned, to make a reservation to the effect that with regard to that part of the Administration’s activities which will have to do with relief during the war, it reserves to itself the right to abstain from participation in the solution of problems which may arise in connection with relief to the population of countries in a state of war with countries with which the Soviet Union is not at war.
6. The Soviet Government reserves to itself the right to propose more detailed and precise amendments to the draft (in particular with regard to repatriation) during joint discussion of the draft by representatives of the United States, Great Britain, China and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.