
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Assistant Secretary of State (Acheson)

Mr. Gromyko29 called at my request, the Ambassador being out of town. I referred to the prior conversations with the Ambassador on the subject of an international relief organization. Mr. Gromyko said that he was familiar with them.

I then told Mr. Gromyko that we had done further work upon the tentative draft which I had given the Ambassador some weeks ago and had made certain changes. These were embodied in Draft No. 2, which I then gave him, explaining that the draft was still tentative and still lacked the approval of the Secretary and the President. It was being given to the Russian, Chinese, and British missions here in accordance with the Secretary’s desire that they should be kept in close touch with our thinking upon this subject.

I asked Mr. Gromyko whether the Ambassador had heard anything from Moscow on this subject, to which he replied that he thought not.

Dean Acheson
  1. Andrey Andreyevich Gromyko, Counselor of the Soviet Embassy.