The Chinese Minister for Foreign Affairs (Soong) to the Under Secretary of State (Welles)
[Washington,] April 20, 1942.
Dear Mr. Welles: In connection with our talk this
afternoon, I am enclosing copy of a message to Mr. Lauchlin Currie,15 dated Chungking, April 19th, which I think will
interest you.
With kind regards [etc.]
Telegram From Madame Chiang
Kai-shek to Dr. Lauchlin
Currie, Dated Chungking, April 19th
“Few days ago in reply to Generalissimo’s enquiry War Department
through Bissell16 stated that no Lend-Lease planes
designated for China can or will be given to third party regardless
of pressure without consent of Generalissimo. But today Bissell
presented War Department memorandum purporting that aside from
maintaining personnel and equipment A. V. G.17 full strength
consisting 80 planes it intends divert remaining pursuit planes
originally meant for China through Lend-Lease to the U. S. Tenth Air
Force for protection invasion North East India and avoid risk of
destruction British Eastern Navy. Believe you should know
Generalissimo shocked at suggestion since in his message to the
President he urged immediate despatch 300 additional planes support
Chinese Expeditionary Force. Generalissimo most strongly opposes War
Department move and expressed himself to Bissell as follows: First,
Chinese nation has waited
[Page 579]
patiently anxiously for arrival planes for over year while Chinese
Army already disgruntled because since formation A. V. G. all planes
sent protect Rangoon and Burma instead of the Chinese front. If any
Lend-Lease planes diverted to Tenth Group people and Army will feel
themselves robbed widow’s mite and will certainly resent not being
treated as worthy ally who has unstintedly given all to common
cause. Second, if planes necessary to defend India, etc., why not
take from lot assigned to Russia or Britain who are receiving
thousands from America instead of from paltry few designated for
China. Third, Chinese Army and people are asking with all aid from
America what has Britain contributed to Allied cause. Please inform
President Generalissimo’s attitude. Today British Army in Burma
again retreated even from Magwe and all oil fields lost.”