Draft Document Prepared as Tentative Counter-draft11
Joint Declaration
[Here follow sections I and II, unchanged from draft of April 11, printed on page 143, except that a new paragraph is added as follows:]
The Government of Japan further declares that it is under no commitment under its Axis Alliance or otherwise which is inconsistent with the terms of the present declaration of policy and intention agreed upon between the Government of Japan and the Government of the United States.
III. China affairs.
When this declaration of policy and intention, including the provisions of this section, is agreed upon and both Governments have given it their approval and commitment, the President of the United States will suggest to the Government of Japan and the Government of China that those Governments enter into a negotiation for a termination of hostilities and resumption of peaceful relations on a basis as follows:
[Here follow points a to e, inclusive, unchanged; but new point f is inserted, as follows:]
f. The question of the future of Manchuria to be dealt with by friendly negotiations to which China, Japan and “Manchukuo” shall be parties.
[Here follow point g, unchanged from point f of April 11 draft, and next sentence.]
The negotiations shall be conducted on a basis of legal equality and in a spirit of good neighborly friendship.
[Last paragraph of April 11 draft omitted; then follows section IV, a, unchanged.]
b. The two Governments will give consideration to an exchange of courtesy visits of naval squadrons to take place after the conclusion of the proposed conference for the purpose of signaling a new era of peace in the Pacific.
[Point c is unchanged from point b of April 11 draft.]
V. Commerce and financial cooperation.
The two Governments agree that during the present international emergency each shall permit export to the other of commodities in amounts up to the figures of pre-war trade, except, in the case of each, [Page 160] commodities which it needs for its own purposes of security and self-defense.
The two Governments undertake to take such steps as may be necessary to effect a resumption of normal trade relations, subject to the conditions aforementioned, as they were provided for in the Treaty of Commerce and Navigation between the United States and Japan which expired on January 26, 1940. The two Governments would be prepared to enter into negotiations looking to the conclusion of a new commercial treaty to meet new conditions.
As soon as a treaty of peace shall have been concluded between Japan and China, the United States will sympathetically consider, if presented, requests from Japanese and other sources in Far Eastern countries approved by their respective Governments for gold credits for the purpose of fostering constructive enterprises, industrial developments and trade directed to the betterment of Far Eastern economic conditions and to sustained economic cooperation among the countries of the Pacific.
VI. Economic activity in the southwestern Pacific area.
On the basis of a pledge by the Japanese Government that Japanese activities in relations with other countries in the Pacific shall be carried on by peaceful means and without resort to arms, the American Government will cooperate with the Japanese Government toward ensuring equal access by Japan to supplies of raw materials, et cetera, which Japan needs for the safeguarding and development of Japan’s own economy.
VII. Policies of the two nations affecting political stabilization in the Pacific.
- a.
- The Governments of the United States and of Japan will not assent to future transfers to any power of territory of existing states within the Far East and in the southwestern Pacific area under conditions of duress.
- b.
- The Government of Japan declares its willingness to enter at such time as the Government of the United States may desire into negotiations with the Government of the United States with a view to the conclusion of a treaty for the neutralization of the Philippine Islands, when Philippine independence shall have been achieved.
[Here follows point c, unchanged except that words “as a base” become “as bases”; point d of April 11 draft is omitted.]
Upon the conclusion of a peace settlement between Japan and China, the Government of the United States and the Government of Japan will enter into negotiations with the Chinese Government looking to the relinquishment by the American and the Japanese Governments of [Page 161] extraterritorial and other special rights in China. The two Governments further undertake to use their influence with the Governments of the other nations concerned with a view to those nations’ taking similar action.
It is suggested that a conference between delegates of the United States and Japan be held at Honolulu at the earliest possible moment for consideration of detailed arrangements called for under the present declaration. If possible, the conference would be opened by President Roosevelt for the United States and by Prince Konoye for Japan. Further, in as much as conclusion of peace between China and Japan on a basis that is fair and just is essential to signalizing the new era of peace in the Pacific, the Government of Japan and the Government of the United States will jointly issue an invitation to the Chairman of the Government of China to attend the opening meeting of the conference.
There might be included in the agenda of the conference under reference a plan for a second conference at Honolulu between delegates of the powers principally interested in the Far East and Western Pacific area, to be held at the earliest possible moment when world conditions permit for the consideration of the problem of maintaining peace and safeguarding the interests of all concerned in the area mentioned.
- Notation on file copy: “Prepared on April 16, 1941 by Mr. Hamilton and Mr. Ballantine as a tentative basis for a possible counter-draft to the Japanese draft of April 9, 1941.” For latter, see Foreign Relations, Japan, 1931–1941, vol. ii, p. 398. This draft is a revision of draft prepared on April 11, p. 143.↩