
Memorandum Prepared for the Secretary of State6

1. It is suggested that the Secretary now indicate to the Japanese Ambassador that in going over the proposals which have been presented to us certain questions have arisen in the Secretary’s mind in regard to which he would like to have the Ambassador’s views; that he has jotted down these questions and is giving a copy to the Ambassador in case the Ambassador may wish to study them before making a full or definitive reply.

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2. Later, when a reasonably satisfactory answer has been given to the questions, the Ambassador might be informed that, if the Ambassador will consult his Government and present proposals under authorization, the Secretary would be prepared to study the draft sympathetically.

If the Ambassador says that before asking his Government for instructions he would like to know whether this Government would be prepared to give favorable consideration to the proposal, the Secretary might say that we consider that the proposals as a whole offer a starting point for discussion, and that we feel optimistic that on the basis of mutual good will our differences can be adjusted and reconciled.

  1. In a letter of February 17, 1955, Dr. Stanley K. Hornbeck informed the Editor of Foreign Relations that the substance of this memorandum was probably worked out by himself, Mr. Ballantine, and Mr. Hamilton in conference and could have been dictated by any one of the three, but that it probably was dictated by himself.