740.0011 Pacific War/1182
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Secretary of State
The British Ambassador45 called at my request and I repeated to him the substance of my talk with the Soviet Ambassador on Thursday,46 which need not be repeated here.
I then said that, as a preliminary step, conferences might be held between him and his associates, including the Australian and the Canadian Ministers here, and at the same time between myself and my associates in the War and Navy Departments with respect to two problems relating to joint action among the resisting countries, viz., first, methods of dealing as fully and as quickly as possible with the emergency situation, particularly in the South Sea area and the Far East, and, second, methods of dealing with the long-view conditions and problems presented. Such conferences would have as their object the developing of the most feasible and effective plan of joint action by all of the countries concerned. I said that the major phases of this whole matter concerned Army and Navy jurisdiction, whereas a minor, but very important portion, relates to the political side, especially as [Page 747] this involves the question of discussing with Russia from time to time the matter of her entrance into the war against Japan in the Far East. I elaborated somewhat on these phases, as I had detailed them to the Soviet Ambassador on Thursday. After discussing the questions from all angles, it was agreed that after the preliminary meetings, previously mentioned, to be held during this evening and tomorrow morning, I might call him in for a discussion of what had happened in each conference for the purpose of a preliminary recommendation to the President. The Ambassador was very pleased with the whole idea and said he would give it his attention and cooperate and collaborate fully with this Government.