711.94/2487: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in China (Gauss)
280. Reference your 463, November 28, 10 a.m., and the Department’s 277, November 28, 7 p.m.50a The Department notes from your telegram under reference that the Chinese Foreign Minister informed you that on November 25 the Chinese Ambassador at Washington had informed the Department that the attitude of China toward the temporary arrangement with Japan under tentative consideration at that time was “negative”. You will have observed from the Departments telegram under reference reporting inter alia the Chinese Ambassador’s conversation with the Secretary on November 25 that China’s attitude was made known to this Government and to various circles in Washington through various channels and through telegrams to several individuals.
The Secretary of State, whenever he has discussed with the Chinese Ambassador the matter of the current conversations with the Japanese, has made it plain that we have made no sacrifice of principles; that we expect to make none; that we have aided China; that we expect to continue to do so to the best of our ability; and that, should matters which concern China come up for discussion, we expect to consult with the Chinese Government at appropriate stage.
As reported in your telegram under reference the Chinese Foreign Minister described frankly and with force the psychological effects on the Chinese public and the Chinese will to continue resistance which [Page 706] might be expected should there be adopted an arrangement such as the modus vivendi which we had under consideration at that time. It will be recalled that the Generalissimo in his recent messages to the President and the Prime Minister of England also spoke frankly and forcefully of the psychological effects of a successful Japanese invasion of Yunnan Province. As you were informed in the Department’s telegram under reference the Secretary of State in speaking to the Chinese Ambassador on November 25 pointed out that one of the prime points of the draft temporary modus vivendi which this Government was then tentatively considering was to protect Yunnan Province and the Burma Road from the imminent danger described by the Generalissimo and in addition to suspend the Japanese menace, for at least three months, to the whole South Pacific area and the Philippines.
In his conversation with you the Chinese Foreign Minister described serious and difficult internal and external problems of China. This Government is not unaware of those problems and we believe that the Chinese Government is also aware of many serious and difficult problems facing us and other similarly disposed powers such as Great Britain and the Netherlands.
We have on many appropriate occasions assured, and we may now again assure, China that in these trying and difficult days its interests have been and are being given most careful consideration in our study of our own problems and the problems of other nations and peoples.
It may be noted that there have occurred recently several examples of badly confused mechanics for the conduct of diplomatic relations between the governments resisting aggression. Those relations are so complicated that it is most difficult to carry on such relations in a systematic and sound manner. There have for example been examples of intrusion into delicate and serious situations on the part of individuals who are not completely or adequately informed of the facts. Before taking action of any sort it would seem to be advisable to understand completely each other’s views. Each of the nations resisting the courses of aggression now rampant in the world should endeavor to realize that the other nations are in the light of all considerations endeavoring to pursue the best possible courses and it therefore would seem to be desirable for each such nation to continue a resolute course in the present critical world situation.
You are authorized, if a favorable opportunity presents itself, to make oral use of the foregoing, or portions thereof, providing you believe that it might be helpful in commenting on the points raised by the Foreign Minister as reported in your telegram under reference.