811.24 Raw Materials/1707: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Winant) to the Secretary of State

4569. 1. Colonial Office, Ministry of Supply and Netherlands Colonial Ministry here, today informed Embassy that they have just had under joint review Rubber Reserve’s requirements together with their own needs and those of their allies.

2. Colonial Office stated that—while present release will, unless untoward events occur, provide adequate supplies for all above mentioned needs—there are both on supply and production side a considerable number of technical problems which could probably best be settled by personal discussions between experts.

There are also future demands of Rubber Reserve after end of this year when purchases contemplated under existing agreement will presumably be completed.

3. Suggestion therefore advanced that it would be most helpful if the Secretary of State invited Sir John Hay to undertake another visit to Washington to confer with Rubber Reserve.

The visit of Hay has been approved by interested Government departments here, Netherlands Colonial Ministry, and International Committee.

However, before making any formal approach to Hay, Colonial Secretary Lord Moyne would appreciate being informed whether such a visit would be welcomed by Department, by Mr. Jesse Jones and Rubber Reserve.

If Hay goes to Washington he will at termination of talks there proceed to Malaya and DEI64a to discuss with respective interests there any points which might arise during Washington talks.

  1. Dutch East Indies.