874.00/626: Telegram

The Minister in Bulgaria (Earle) to the Secretary of State

9. Prime Minister Filoff today in an astoundingly strong speech delivered at Rouse [Ruse] across the Danube from German-occupied Rumania stated that national socialism may be good for Germany, fascism for Italy and bolshevism for Russia but that none of these is wanted by Bulgaria nor does Bulgaria want to be a legionary country (undoubtedly having Rumania in mind). He said that the King and people unanimously desire to stay out of war; that President Roosevelt’s pledge19 to aid the democracies to the utmost may involve the whole world in war and implied that the ultimate outcome is now uncertain. Filoff’s forceful reiteration at this crucial moment that Bulgaria wanted peaceful revision and peaceful revision only is very important. Many observers, particularly those pro-German, believe this may be Filoff’s swan song. This does not seem probable since I feel that Filoff could have made this speech only with the approval of the King unless of course the King’s hand should be forced.

Gabrovsky, Minister of Interior, in another speech attacked communistic propaganda here (Legation’s telegram 199, December 2820), and said that Bulgaria does not desire to share the fate of the Baltic countries.

  1. For text of President Roosevelt’s speech delivered from the White House December 29, 1940, see Department of State Bulletin, January 4, 1941, p. 3.
  2. Not printed.