740.0011 European War 1939/15450: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary of State
[Received September 28—2:31 p.m.]
1724. A Tass despatch from London is published in today’s Moscow newspapers reporting an exchange of notes on September 26th between Maiski and de Gaulle.68 Maiski’s note is said to have stated that “the Soviet Government recognizes de Gaulle as the leader of all Free Frenchmen, and is ready to contact the Council for Defense of the French Empire established on October 27, 1940, in respect to all questions concerning cooperation with French overseas possessions which are under the control of de Gaulle. Moreover the Soviet Government is ready to render to the Free French multifold assistance in the common struggle against Hitlerite Germany and its allies, and is firmly determined to assure complete restoration of the independence and greatness of France after the attainment of a joint victory over the common enemy”.
- Gen. Charles de Gaulle, leader of the Free French forces; from September 1941, President of the French National Committee in England.↩