740.0011 European War 1939/17187
The Finnish Minister (Procopé) to the Secretary of State 95
Excellency: Under instructions from my Government, I have the honour to inform Your Excellency and hereby to notify the Government of the United States that the President of the Republic of Finland by a proclamation issued on December sixth, 1941, with the authority of the Finnish Parliament, has proclaimed and made known, that the territory ceded to the U. S. S. R. by Finland in the Peace Treaty of Moscow on March 12, 1940, is re-incorporated in the territory of the Republic of Finland and is restored to the sovereignty of Finland and that the stipulations and commitments in the said Peace Treaty with regard to the Cape of Hanko and surrounding waters are null and void.
Accept [etc.]
- The receipt of this note was acknowledged on December 18, 1941.↩