740.0011 European War 1939/6256: Telegram
The Minister in Egypt (Fish) to the Secretary of State
[Received 10:55 p.m.]
267. The Legation’s telegram No. 252, October 17, 5 p.m. I am now informed by a usually reliable but unofficial source that on the occasion of his audience with the King, Eden delivered to him a letter from King George expressing the hope that Egypt would cooperate with Great Britain in the conduct of the war. I may add that in my several recent conversations with the Ambassador and Eden no mention of such a letter was made.
My informant also states that in talking with the King, Eden referred to a conversation with the Prime Minister in which the latter had given assurance that if Siwa were attacked Egypt would fight. The King replied that Egypt of course had a responsible Parliamentary Government and that such matters were for the decision of the Government. However, after the interview, the King is said to have summoned the Prime Minister and expressed his displeasure regarding the assurance given Eden.
Speaking generally, I am given to understand that although the King is not entirely satisfied with the close cooperation between the Prime Minister and the Embassy he is inclined to let matters drift up to the point of becoming involved in the war which he continues to oppose strongly. As a matter of fact the Prime Minister, despite [Page 484] his assurance regarding Siwa, appears to be in essential agreement with the King in this respect and it is expected that in the new Parliament convening November 14th he will rely for support largely on the anti-war group.