340.1115A/622d: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Turkey (MacMurray)53

37. 1. In view of recent developments and of the possible extension of hostilities to other areas, including your own, than are already involved, you may consider it advisable to invite Americans in your district to return to the United States while there still remains opportunity for them to do so. In that connection you should bear in mind that the duty of the Government towards its citizens in a war area is accomplished when it has advised them of the dangers of the situation and invited them to leave, while affording those who choose to go every possible assistance in obtaining transportation and to those who choose to remain such protection as may be possible. There must be no insistence upon the departure of any citizen since the Government may not compel the return of its citizens and the decision whether to remain or to depart is one for each individual himself to make.

2. In the event that Italy should come into the war, you will advise Americans desiring to return home in your district not to proceed via continental Europe or through the Mediterranean.

Repeat to Beirut, Jerusalem, Cairo and Bagdad.

  1. The same, with a request to repeat to Tunis and Algiers, sent on the same date to the Diplomatic Agent and Consul General at Tangier (No. 10).

    The same, as telegram No. 3, May 24, 7 p.m., to the Consul at Malta, with an added paragraph requesting information as to number of Americans who might desire to return and possible arrangements for such evacuation.