811.111 Refugees/260: Circular telegram

The Secretary of State to Certain Diplomatic and Consular Officers 77

Refer to Department’s circular telegrams of June 5, 6 p.m.; June 29, 1 p.m.; and July 26, 11 p.m.

To correct any misunderstanding regarding visa work, all visa applications should be carefully examined and if any doubt exists regarding alien’s activities in the past and possible activities in the United States which might be inimical to the United States, action in the case should be suspended and the alien should be requested to present clear evidence to establish essential facts. In considering lists of alien refugees transmitted by Department with assurances of the sponsoring organization regarding support and arrangements to proceed to third country, you should carefully examine cases as to applicants’ past and future activities and as to aliens’ status as refugee intellectuals or labor leaders or refugees in particular danger of their lives, and if any doubt exists action in the cases should be suspended.

  1. Sent to the diplomatic officers at Lisbon, London, Moscow, and Stockholm, and to consular officers at Bordeaux, Lyon, Marseille, Nice, Casablanca, Oporto, and Zurich.