340.1115A/749a: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in France (Bullitt)
515. From Long.75 Washington will have maximum capacity of about 1800 of which approximately 100 are to be reserved for Lisbon. We want to give you every possible available space but in order to do so and to arrange for it, it will be necessary for us to know approximately how many passengers you expect to desire evacuation. Consequently, please estimate the number which will be remaining, if any, after Washington sails with 1700 from Bordeaux. Please let us know as quickly as possible in order that supplementary arrangements may be made. But if made, they will not be on a ship like the Washington but it may be possible to send a ship similar to, but not identical with, those which served for repatriation duty last fall.
Please advise Department at your earliest possible convenience.
- Breckinridge Long, Assistant Secretary of State.↩