340.1115A/672: Telegram

The Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Kennedy) to the Secretary of State

1330. Your 942, May 22. I want to thank the Department and Maritime Commission for their prompt action in getting a vessel to repatriate Americans from Great Britain and Ireland. People have been reluctant to proceed to Eire until we could give them something definite about ship. News of the sailing of the President Roosevelt has greatly simplified our task. It has also made a splendid impression on our citizens here. You may rest assured that every American here appreciates your cooperation.

Please advise us as soon as possible if the United States Lines are to book for the ship here. Also fares to be charged. We assume aliens can be carried as heretofore if they are members of families in which there are citizens. Does that include alien servants taken home by American families? Should we continue to carry Latin Americans and if so should we make them wait for a later ship? We do not expect many Latin Americans but we have had a few inquiries.

We are proceeding on the assumption that, if the Roosevelt cannot accommodate all those desiring to leave, she will make a second voyage. Is this right?
