740.00111 A.R.–Subs/21
The Minister in Haiti (Mayer) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 29.]
Sir: Referring to the Department’s telegram of June 13, 8 p.m., 1940, relative to proclamations by the American Republics prohibiting the entry of belligerent submarines into their territorial waters, I have the honor to report that pursuant to these instructions I discussed this matter with President Vincent and the Minister for Foreign Affairs,30a both of whom assured me that an appropriate declaration would be made with reference to submarines in Haitian ports.
The Government of Haiti has now prohibited, with the exception of a case of force majeure, the entry of belligerent submarines into its territorial waters, by a Decree dated July 8, 1940, and published in the official Moniteur of July 18, 1940, a translation of which is enclosed.31
Article I of the Decree prohibits the entry of all submarines belonging to States at War into the territorial waters, except in the case of a force majeure. In this latter case Article II of the Decree requires the submarine to travel on the surface and identify itself clearly. No specific penalties are provided in the case of violation. Article III merely states that punishment will be in accordance with international law.
Respectfully yours,