740.0011 Eurapean War 1939/2391

Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of the Division of European Affairs (Moffat)

The Norwegian Minister called this morning. He said he had little news. He had had one or two messages from his Government via Stockholm, but there were many more requests he had sent to which he had not yet received a reply.

He said he was still dreading the possibility that the United States might issue a neutrality proclamation naming Norway as a belligerent. He pointed out that Germany did not consider herself at war with Norway, and he had asked Koht to give him a message that Norway did not consider herself in a state of war. I asked if Norway considered herself an ally of the Allies. He said he hoped that they considered themselves an associated power.

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He concluded by asking that, if in any way possible, we delay issuing a neutrality proclamation at least until he had had an answer from his Foreign Minister (Koht).

Pierrepont Moffat