740.0011 European War 1939/1993: Telegram

The First Secretary of Legation in Norway (Cox) to the Secretary of State

53. Legation’s 52.16 Senior Foreign Office official has just told me that German Minister saw Koht at 5 a.m. and handed him note stating under instructions of his Government that only possible solution for Norway was to accept military occupation and that Germans would fight Norwegian resistance. Koht replied that Norway must resist and that there was no justification for German force on Norway. His latest information was that Bergen was occupied and Kristiansand and Trondheim are believed taken. German warships have not got beyond Drobak in Oslofjord. Personal belief is that Oslo cannot [Page 147] be defended if Germans force their way to within range of city. Royal family is believed to have accompanied Government. British, French and Danish Ministers were requested to follow Government to Hamar. Swedes representing Norwegian interests in Berlin. Oslo continues quiet, streets filled with people leaving city. German planes not presently over city.

  1. Dated April 9, 11 a.m., not printed.