740.00112 European War 1939/1371
Memorandum by the Assistant Secretary of State (Berle)
Particular note might be taken of the request of the Norwegian government that we support her protest against British invasions of her neutrality.
I personally do not see that we can be of assistance. In my judgment there is no real doubt that her neutrality is being violated, pretty systematically, by both parties. Yet I am clear that Norway is at the moment under more pressure from Germany and Russia than from Great Britain, and I think it at least possible that the Norwegian request for our assistance may have been suggested by Berlin.
Were any assistance to be considered, I think all we could hope to do would be to call attention to our settled stand in favor of principles of international law. Privately, I have not the slightest doubt that the British propose to control the Norwegian waters as completely as necessary and as long as necessary; for that matter, so do the Germans, in geographical areas within their cognizance.