740.0011 European War 1939/4231: Telegram
The Minister in Rumania (Gunther) to the Secretary of State
[Received June 28—3:44 a.m.]
294. My 293, June 24, 5 p.m.34 The Minister of Foreign Affairs36 has told me he received the new Russian Minister on Friday and that he politely suggested that there were a number of commercial matters which they might discuss to mutual profit and that Lavrentev had replied rather brusquely that he had other more important matters to take up first which of course probably meant Bessarabia. Relations with the new Russian diplomat have not had an auspicious start—details follow by despatch.37
It is his information that Hitler is [displeased?] with [Stalin?]. I have heard this from other reliable sources. He spoke of the crying need here of another hundred anti-tank or anti-aircraft guns and said that there were hopes that Germany would supply these soon. With these he feels that Rumania can hold a Russian attack for 4 [Page 479] months after which the Russian offensive would probably collapse. What was also in his mind I think was German aid by that time. He spoke also with confidence of aviation assistance from Italy.
Although I realize that there is very little which we can or should do in the premises I expressed interest in the progress of negotiations and asked that he cause me to be informed of any important developments.