860I.001/21: Telegram

The Chargé in Estonia (Leonard) to the Secretary of State

102. The President of Estonia who was forced to give up his high office last Sunday night, the 21st, has appealed to me personally by sending his son to the Legation asking whether the President of the United States could assist him and his family, namely, one son, Viktor, with wife and two minor children and a second son, Leo, six in all, in giving them protection immediately and helping them eventually to proceed to the United States. Permission to leave Estonia now being denied to every Estonian and passports for foreign travel having been invalidated and visas would have to be given consideration on the basis of expired passports or on other documents.

The former President and his family in common with many Estonians live in constant fear of imprisonment or a worse fate. They ask for whatever protection the United States Government through this Legation may be able to give. The Department’s instructions as to any action which may rightly be taken and which I could personally convey to the President would be appreciated.
