840.51 Frozen Credits/326: Telegram
The Minister in Latvia (Wiley) to the Secretary of State
[Received July 19—3:33 p.m.]
209. Numerous inquiries have been made of this office regarding the operation of the freezing of Latvian assets in the United States. Because no pouches have been received for many weeks this office has no copies of laws, executive orders, and regulations which have been applied to the other countries whose assets have been frozen. It would be helpful for the Legation to have the answers to the following questions: (1) does the order apply to credit balances held by American commercial firms, as distinct from American banks, in favor of Latvian businessmen and companies; (2) do personal bank accounts in the United States become unfrozen as soon as the depositor crosses the frontier into a country whose assets are not frozen, as, for example, after my departure from Latvia; (3) is it possible for unfrozen credits on behalf of Latvian banks to be created in the United States with the proceeds of such transactions as the purchase of the Legation’s official drafts?