856.001W64/534/5: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Kennedy)
1024. Your 1414, May 28, 8 p.m. The President desires me to ask you to say to the Dutch Foreign Minister that this Government desires, of course, to show every possible courtesy to the Princess and her children and to facilitate her journey in every way. The President believes, however, that at this time of the year in the North Atlantic, the transfer of the Princess and her family from a Dutch cruiser to an American vessel would be exceedingly hazardous if not actually dangerous. The President believes, therefore, that the Dutch cruiser which takes the Princess and her party on board should make the entire voyage from the British port to this side of the Atlantic. The entire trip should not take more than 4 days. If it is decided that the cruiser should proceed to a New England port, every care will be taken of the Princess and her family by the authorities of this Government while they are within the United States pending their arrival in Canada.