882.6351 V. S. Steel Corp./40: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Liberia (Walton)
1. The Department is somewhat disturbed to learn that the United States Steel Corporation contemplates recalling its engineers from Liberia for the purpose of consultation before proceeding further with the survey of Liberian iron ore deposits. While we are not yet fully informed as to the reasons for this move, it would seem that the withdrawal of the engineers after only 2 months’ activity, unless demonstrated to be technically unavoidable and merely temporary in nature, might lead to criticism that would prove embarrassing to President Barclay.
Please report by telegraph whatever you may be able to ascertain discreetly regarding this projected step such as the extent of the survey so far made, the results, if any, obtained by the engineers and the necessity for their returning to the United States before completing the survey.