893.102S/1932: Telegram

The Ambassador in China (Johnson) to the Secretary of State

584. Following is Embassy’s translation of a note from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs dated November 2nd.

“The Ministry of Foreign Affairs presents its compliments to the American Embassy and has the honor to state that it has received a report to the effect that two detachments of the Japanese Special Service Corps and of the gendarmerie suddenly occupied the fourth floor of the Bank of Communications on the Bund, in the International Settlement in Shanghai, by force on October 13, 1939; and that they still remain there in spite of repeated representations by officers of that bank.

The Ministry observes that the Japanese in engaging in such activity are probably making a test vis-à-vis the International Settlement authorities. [Page 101] It is feared that the result of this step will be to render it difficult for various Chinese central organizations and for other Chinese National Banks to continue to exist in the Settlement and will make it impossible for the Settlement to maintain peace and order.

Apart from addressing a separate communication to the British Embassy, the Ministry in inditing this third person note has the honor to request that the American Embassy be good enough to instruct the authorities of the International Settlement at once to conduct strict and effective negotiations with the Japanese to the end that members of the above corps who illegally entered the Bank of Communications withdraw at a definite date as a preventive measure against Japanese plots. The Embassy’s reply is also requested.”

The Embassy has replied to Ministry that the contents of the communications have been transmitted to the Department and to the Consulate General at Shanghai.

Referring to Department’s No. 109 [139] of July 22, 1 p.m., regarding a reply to a somewhat similar request from the Foreign Office, I may say that it has not been necessary to return the draft reply authorized by the Department.

Repeated to Peiping and Shanghai.
