The Chinese Ambassador (Hu Shih) to the Secretary of State
My Dear Mr. Secretary: I beg to refer to a Statement issued by His Excellency Dr. H. H. Kung, President of the Executive Yuan, on January 16, 1939, and the Memorandum of this Embassy under date of March 23, 1939, about the desire of the Chinese Government to maintain the loan service as far as practicable under the existing conditions.
The Chinese Government particularly regrets that circumstances have forced it to apply the measure as announced on January 16, 1939, to the payment of the Indemnity of 1901 as well as to the Loans. I [Page 828] am instructed by my Government to request that the American Government agree to the temporary deferment of the Indemnity payments during the hostilities. I beg to assure you that this request is made with much reluctance as my Government fully realizes that the action of the American Government in taking the lead in remitting the Indemnity has produced far-reaching and lasting benefits to China.
The Belgian, British, French and Netherlands Governments are also being approached concerning the Indemnity payments.
I am [etc.]