893.24/651: Telegram

The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

647. We are informed in confidence by a member of the French Embassy that the French Ambassador85 was requested to call upon the Foreign Minister86 yesterday, and that in the course of the interview Admiral Nomura handed the Ambassador a “courteously phrased” protest against the continued shipment of munitions to Chiang Kai-shek87 from Indo-China and stated that the Pakhoi campaign had been undertaken by the Japanese in order to prevent arms from this source from reaching the Chinese forces. At the same time the Foreign Minister disclaimed any Japanese designs against Indo-China. He likewise explained that certain Japanese planes which have recently flown over Indo-China territory had done so unintentionally on account of poor visibility.

  1. Charles Arsène-Henry.
  2. Adm. Kichisaburo Nomura.
  3. President of the Chinese Executive Yuan (Premier).