393.115 Tung or Wood oil/21: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Consul General at Hankow (Spiker)
57. The Department has recently received from various American dealers in wood oil requests for further action with a view to obtaining the removal of existing restrictions on the movement from Hankow to Shanghai of the product named.
According to information received by Spencer Kellogg and Sons from their Hankow office there has been obtained by the German Government from the Japanese Government a permit to ship from Hankow 2,500 tons of ramie.
Please investigate and inform the Department whether shipments or arrangements for shipments from Hankow of other than Japanese cargo have been made, together with your recommendations of such action as in your opinion might be appropriate and practicable to the end that American-owned goods now in storage at Hankow be shipped to Shanghai.
Sent to Hankow. Repeated to Chungking, Peiping and Shanghai.