693.001/521: Telegram

The Ambassador in Japan (Grew) to the Secretary of State

123. Department’s 52, March 4, 3 p.m., trade restrictions in North China.

We prepared and arranged to leave this afternoon at the Foreign Office an aide-mémoire closely following the lines suggested by the Department in its telegram under reference. However, I have just been informed by my British colleague that he has been instructed to present to the Minister for Foreign Affairs a formal signed note, including reservation of all British rights which may be affected by restricted measures, and that the British Embassy at Washington has been instructed to approach the Department with a view to directing me to make a similar formal approach. At Craigie’s urgent request, I am withholding action for a few days.
My decision, in the exercise of the discretion granted me by the Department as to the manner of approach, to make informal representations, was reached only after careful consideration of the circumstances involved. Our note of October 69 included formal representations with regard to trade restrictions in North China, the Japanese note of November 1810 conveyed in effect a refusal, and the full reservation of American rights in China communicated to the Japanese Government in our note of December 31 [30]11 naturally covers the situation in North China. It is our view that nothing would be gained by initiating a new cycle of formal representations, if rejected by the Japanese, and fresh laying down of reservations. It is our thought that the procedure best calculated to be helpful to American business interests in North China is that of making frequent informal approaches. Illustrative of the results of such approaches it is interesting to note that according to the most recent lists of American citizens granted passes to return to points on the Yangtze River 432 passes were issued from May 31 to December 20 as contrasted with 53 passes issued to British nationals for the same period.