793.94/15005: Telegram
The Chargé in China (Peck) to the Secretary of State
[Received May 15—8 a.m.]
332. The Embassy is informed that Leighton Stuart and George Taylor, both of Yenching University at Peiping, came to Chungking about a week ago expressly to impart to the Generalissimo and other high authorities their concern over recent developments in the Province of Hopeh. They are represented as having stated that the Japanese, as a result of recent vigorous military operations, are now in control of virtually all the important Hsien cities of the central portion of the province; that the Japanese are garrisoning these centers with large forces apparently with a view to holding them indefinitely; and that in their opinion it is imperative for the Chinese to recover these cities this summer, if effective resistance is to be maintained and complete Japanese domination averted. They are reported consequently as having urged immediate intensification of Chinese military activities in Hopeh and to have called attention to the desirability of uniting the military command, now split between the Central Government and the Eighth Route Army, as a first step in this direction. Taylor is a British subject. He and Stuart have now left Chungking. Neither was seen by any member of the Embassy staff during their visit.
Repeated to Peiping.