800.115(39) Korsholm/11: Telegram

The Consul General at Hamburg (Keblinger) to the Secretary of State

149. Your 107, October 10, 6 p.m.93 See my telegrams 134, 140, and 142.94 No decision on Minna yet reached. Reich’s Prize Commissioner indicates cargo in all probability will be turned over to Prize Court pending this decision. Release of cargo cannot be hastened if case goes to Prize Court. Owners should be represented by officially recognized attorney. An Estonian attorney with full powers for ship and cargo expected to reach Hamburg from Tallinn tonight. I will maintain contact with him and will inform Department of any steps I believe owners should take. It is now reported but not yet confirmed that the Estonian steamship Wilk also bound for the United States with cellulose has been seized. The Department is being kept fully informed.

  1. Not printed.
  2. Telegrams Nos. 140 and 142 not printed.