300.115(39)/68: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Kennedy)
1372. Your 2192.81 Department considers its request for prompt furnishing of data concerning detentions of American vessels a very modest one which should be granted with a minimum of delay.
As regards cargoes, while it is recognized that providing the information which we have requested would entail more work than in the case of ships, it would not appear to be a difficult matter to organize a system for centralized reporting of facts concerning all shipments claimed by American concerns. We feel that if the British authorities detain such shipments the least that they could do would be to provide us with current information regarding such detentions. We therefore hope that you will press the British sufficiently on this matter to overcome [Page 803] their objections not only because of our belief that we are entitled to such information but also because of our feeling that the necessity for the British authorities reporting such facts may have a salutary influence in the matter of the treatment accorded cargoes.