740.00112 European War 1939/349
The Secretary of State to the German Chargé (Thomsen)
Sir: I acknowledge the receipt of your note of October 19, 1939 notifying me by direction of your Government that British or French convoys will be attacked by German combat forces and that such action will be directed not only against escorting ships but also without distinction against all escorted ships, and inviting attention to a statement that all neutral merchant ships which run at night without showing lights expose themselves to confusion with belligerent war or auxiliary vessels and consequently to danger of destruction.
With regard to the statement concerning precautionary measures by neutral merchant ships adverted to in your note under reference, I refer to my acknowledgment dated October 6, 1939 of your communication of September 30, 1939 on this subject; and I am confident that you are aware of the fact that the Government of the United [Page 768] States reserves, with respect to ships of American nationality, all of their rights under recognized rules of international law.
Accept [etc.]