740.00112 European War 1939/286
The Secretary of State to the German Chargé (Thomsen)
Sir: I acknowledge receipt of your note under date of September 30 concerning precautionary measures which you suggest neutral shipping should adopt for its own protection in certain areas.
Prior to receiving the note under reference, the Government of the United States had already taken careful and detailed measures directing [Page 759] captains of American merchant ships to avoid suspicious conduct. The specific character of such measures would seem to preclude the possibility that the nationality and neutral character of any American vessel could be misapprehended by naval officers exercising ordinary care. I further call to your attention that American merchant ships are forbidden by law to carry armament.
Accordingly, the Government of the United States feels entitled to expect that especial care will be used by the belligerent governments to respect the neutral rights of its vessels and nationals, and will maintain all such rights in the event of violation.
Accept [etc.]