740.00112 European War 1939/66
Memorandum of Conversation, by the Chief of the Division of Controls (Green)
Señor Don Luis de Silva, Marquis de Zahara, Chargé d’Affaires of Spain, called at my office this morning introduced by Mr. Wendelin of Eu.13 He said that he had been instructed by his Government to [Page 727] ascertain this Government’s opinion of the recently published British contraband list and to ascertain whether this Government intended to register a protest with the British Government in respect to that list.
I told Señor de Silva that the pressure of business during these last few days had been so great that I had not had an opportunity to examine the list in question. I said that I understood from my colleagues, however, that it was in all essentials similar to the contraband list published by this Government on June 30, 1917.14 I added that it was my understanding that this Government had no present intention of making any representations to the British Government in regard to its list but that the list was being carefully studied and that I did not know what action, if any, in regard to it might possibly be taken in the future.
- Division of European Affairs.↩
- For section II of “Instructions for the Navy of the United States Governing Maritime Warfare, June, 1917,” dealing with contraband, see Foreign Relations, 1918, supp. 1, vol. ii, p. 920.↩