811.04418/659: Telegram
The Minister in Yugoslavia (Lane) to the Secretary of State
[Received October 13—7:50 p.m.]
314. For the Secretary and Under Secretary. The Prince Regent said to me this evening during the course of an interview that the most important thing today for the future of Europe would be the abrogation of the Neutrality Act. He expressed the opinion that if the act had been revoked last summer in accordance with the desire of the President “who has been right all the way along” the European war would never have started. He said that unfortunately democracies must take a long time to make a decision. This is their greatest weakness. He hoped, however, that our Congress would act before it is too late. He said that if France and England are beaten it means the Bolshevization of Europe.
The above remarks were made entirely spontaneously by Prince Paul and show how deeply he feels regarding the importance of revoking the Neutrality Act.
Report on remainder of interview will follow later.32
- Telegram No. 315, October 14, 1 p.m., not printed.↩