761.6211/309: Telegram
The Ambassador in the Soviet Union (Steinhardt) to the Secretary of State
[Received December 15—11:16 a.m.]
1083. The press today in a Tass despatch from Berlin reports the exchange of instruments of ratification of the Soviet-German Treaty of September 2869 and publishes favorable comment from the German press on the durability of German-Soviet friendship “despite the efforts of London and Paris” to convey the impression that there exists a secret hostility between these countries. The press likewise reports that the Soviet economic mission headed by Tevosyan has completed its work in Germany.
I am informed by the German Embassy that Ritter, the German Plenipotentiary for Economic Matters, accompanied by an economic delegation headed by Schnurre, will arrive in Moscow at the end of this week to continue the Soviet-German economic talks. As reported in my telegram 892, November 14, 2 p.m.,70 it had been expected that Schnurre, with only the technical economic staff, would return to Moscow to complete detailed implementation of the economic program. The return of Ritter who, as reported in my telegram No. 787, October 23, 7 p.m., during his visit to Moscow was said to have reached an agreement in principle with the Soviet authorities on the question of Soviet-German economic relations, would appear to indicate that there still remain at issue certain basic questions in the economic relations between the two countries.
Repeated to Berlin.