740.0011 European War 1939/420: Telegram

The Minister in Rumania (Gunther) to the Secretary of State

221. Please transmit following to the President.

The Prime Minister this morning discussed with me possibility of Russo-German-Japanese plans for eventual division of the better part of the world between them though stressing obvious eventual conflicting interests among the three. He emphasized that Great Britain and France alone and unaided were in no position to offer decisive resistance. [Page 442] He then said that America could play a decisive role by the wholesale furnishing of arms and munitions and that it should not overlook this part of the world especially Yugoslavia and Rumania the latter being in a strategic position to offer effective resistance if properly armed. He hoped that the Neutrality Act would be amended and that a way will be found eventually to furnish Rumania with a large number of anti-aircraft guns adding that Irimescu67 was acquainted with the details. The Prime Minister I think can be counted on to stand firm and steadfast in the face of threats to Rumanian independence.

  1. Radu Irimescu, Rumanian Minister in the United States.