740.00/1087: Telegram
The Chargé in the Soviet Union (Kirk) to the Secretary of State
[Received April 22—5:35 a.m.]
202. My telegram No. 198, April 20, 10 [11] a.m.63 The British Embassy here states that the conversations with Litvinov are proceeding satisfactorily and that the Soviet Union has manifested an attitude of sensational cooperation with France and England. Although exact details of the discussions are still unavailable it is stated that the unilateral basis for a Soviet declaration embodied in the original British proposal has been abandoned and that other measures concerning possible Soviet association with the position adopted by England and France are now being discussed. It is again affirmed that the technical matters of Soviet military assistance are not a part of the present British-Soviet conversations in Moscow and that the question of the Far East has not been raised by either side.
The Soviet Ambassador to London arrived in Moscow yesterday (see my telegram No. 182, April 15, 6 p.m.).
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