800.6354/163: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Kennedy)
1247. For your information, Todd sent the following cable directly to Campbell last night.
“American Consumers have only been able to buy this month to date a small portion of the quantity of tin they have been consuming. If this condition continues American production tin products will be jeopardized. Request immediate steps be taken to relieve this condition American Consumption now running at rate of 120,000 gross tons per annum. If desirable to maintain restriction scheme by establishing quota then such quota should be fixed at percentage equivalent to unrestricted production. We repeat opinion our cable September 26 viz consider it imperative produce as much Straits tin as possible regardless attitude other signatory countries. Conditions warrant that Malaya and Nigeria should exercise right under section 1 paragraph 24 and apply to committee to be allowed to export temporarily more than their permissible output.”