800.6354/126: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in the United Kingdom (Kennedy)
537. Your 991, July 14, noon. The special tin committee of the American Iron and Steel Institute, set up to work with Todd, is preparing instructions for him regarding the tin market and buffer pool situation, which they consider very serious. The letter from the Secretary of the Malayan Chamber of Mines in London and your suggestion regarding the reply thereto are being communicated to Towers for discussion with the Institute’s tin committee. No doubt they will prepare a reply to the Malayan Chamber and will expedite preparation of broader instructions to Todd.
The Department has been equally concerned with trends of tin stocks and particularly the report that the only tin now held by the buffer pool is low-grade Cornish and Chinese tin which would be of little or no use to American consumers. The Department has planned to request the Embassy to approach the British Government regarding this situation at the same time that Todd raises the matter through the Advisory Panel, on instructions from the Iron and Steel Institute or its tin committee. In the meantime the Department will be pleased to receive from the Embassy any further information which may be available regarding the tin situation and any suggestions with respect to the best means of remedying it.