633.116/63: Telegram
The Chargé in Uruguay (Reed) to the Secretary of State
[Received January 14—2:35 p.m.]
4. My No. 3, January 11 [10?], 3 p.m. The Minister of Finance43 received me today and agreed regarding undesirability of stopping imports. He was unable to suggest any solution of the problem but promised to find one and to inform me as soon as possible.
The American Chamber of Commerce has addressed a communication to the Legation pointing out the urgency of bringing pressure to bear on the Uruguayan Government in order to prevent the closing down of many importing firms, stating that no permits are now being granted even for goods in customhouse and urging strong representations with threat of reprisals.
[Page 925]Complaints received are increasing in numbers. Stoppage of importation is complete, free exchange being available only for imports of automobiles previously authorized.
- Raúl Jude.↩