Trusting that Your Excellency will be so good as favourably to receive my
Government’s suggestions, and in return to express the United States
views on the subject, I have the honour [etc.]
The Permian Embassy
to the Department of State
The Peruvian Government is anxious to engage the services, under a
three year contract basis, of a number of United States Naval
Officers on the active list, for the purpose of training and
instructing the
[Page 890]
of the Peruvian Navy, and advising on technical related
The Officers required would be: One Captain, who would act as Chief;
One Captain, Supply Corps; One Captain or Commander, Submarine
Specialist; Two Chief Petty Officers, one a Torpedo Gunner and the
other a Gunner and Diver. The Peruvian Government besides would be
pleased to avail itself under the same terms of the services of
Lieutenant Commander Evander Wallace Sylvester.
The salaries would be: For the Chief Officer $10,000—per annum; for
each of the other Officers $8,000—per annum; and for the Petty
Officers $2,500—each per annum. The amounts here quoted are in
United States dollars.
It is understood from information received at the Peruvian Ministry
of the Navy that a list of available United States Naval Officers on
active service would be furnished to the Peruvian Government for its
choice by the United States Government. The Peruvian Government
deems it obviously preferable that part of the personnel of
instructors should be already acquainted with the country where they
are to serve. It therefore tentatively suggests that Captain S. A.
Taffinder and Captain Emery D. Stanley, Supply Corps, be included in
this list. In case Captain Taffinder were available, the selection
of other members of the personnel could be left to his
The purpose of the Peruvian Government, as above stated, is to ensure
the progressive development of the Peruvian Navy, in accordance with
the countries needs and resources, under the direction of United
States Naval Officers, who would thus be called upon to prosecute
the task so efficiently performed by their predecessors. In order to
accomplish this purpose in a manner that could not be
misinterpreted, nor cause unnecessary inconvenience to either
Governments concerned, the Peruvian Government has thought it
advisable, before presenting a formal request, to take counsel with
the United States Government, as it hereby ventures to do, in regard
to the best means of reaching an agreement on the subject.