617.003/252: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Minister in Nicaragua (Long)
12. Your 17, February 8, 10 p.m. Text of Foreign Minister’s note to you is satisfactory to the Department except that in phrase in parentheses in second paragraph the word “except” should precede the words “in so far”. The Department assumes this to be an oversight and not an intentional omission, but the correction, if necessary, should be made in the text of the Foreign Minister’s note.
The phrase in the third paragraph of the Foreign Minister’s note “for quarterly returns of collection of customs duties” is not clear but the Department assumes this variation from text of your note involves no change in substance.
Press announcement will be released here February 10,11 for publication in morning papers the next day.
Proclamation by the President will be dated February 8, effective on and after March 10.
- Department of State, Press Releases, February 12, 1938, pp. 249–250.↩