812.6363/3269: Telegram
The Secretary of State to the Ambassador in Mexico (Daniels)
59. Your 99, April 3, 11 a.m.95 For the time being you may refrain from delivering to the Minister for Foreign Affairs the memorandum transmitted to you in the Department’s 58, April 2, 4 p.m.95
You should, however, obtain an interview with the Minister for Foreign Affairs today and in your conversation with him state that while, as this Government has already publicly made known, it has been highly gratified with the general assurances contained in the note and official declarations of President Cárdenas, it naturally assumes at the same time that these general assurances are not understood by the Mexican Government as being adequately responsive to the precise inquiries already addressed by this Government to the Mexican Government covering the method of payment of compensation and the time of payment of such compensation. You may further state that this Government likewise feels confident that the Mexican Government is in process of formulating plans and suggestions based on these plans in reply to these inquiries.
In conclusion you may make it clear that this Government will stand prepared informally to discuss with responsible representatives of the Mexican Government the plans which it believes the Mexican Government is formulating at the earliest opportunity which the Mexican Government deems appropriate. You may indicate that in the view of this Government such informal preliminary conversations might perhaps advantageously take place in Washington if the Mexican Government were prepared to send here responsible authorities of the Mexican Government for that purpose.
Please telegraph the reply which may be made to you.